Sunday, November 8, 2009


Creative title, no?

Early October Derek and I went to Disney for Gay Days. Was such a good time and I always love seeing Wes, Christian, Brian, and Frank. Disneyland aside, it was just good to be there in support of the event. I hope we go again next year. The dates are October 1-3, mark your calendars!

Derek and I have been seriously talking about the purchase of a house and what we need to do to get there. All the decisions that were made and discussed really seem attainable. Only bad part is less casina trips. I'm kidding, well, kind of. heheh! I have been watching a lot of first-time buyer programs and looking at ads online. Realistically, it won't be for a few years, but it keeps me motivated and on task for the most part.

I am excited for Thanksgiving because I am going to try some new recipes for the side dishes. i normally make potatoes au gratin and mushroom sage stuffing. But I want to mix things up. I will need to dive into the cook books and online.

I have also been hitting the bike. The past week I have averaged 4-5 miles a day. I am slowly increasing it and have done 5.5 the last two days. I am working on going outside and walking, but I still have a hard time thinking people are looking at me. I know it's silly, but I am trying to suck it up. It really sucks to be afraid to leave my house, but I have made some progress and I hope to make more. I just need to keep at it.

Stars and Tartan will be one next week! I can't believe it has already been a year. I very much enjoy doing it. I met great people through it and it gives Derek and I something to do together. And the listeners are the best.

I think that's everything...Oh wait, there's this:

I love this!


Walt said...

Fuck them even if they are looking at you when you're walking. That's what getting lost in the iPod is all about!

I actually went out twice today for an hour each time. I felt so good, but now I have a big ol' dinner in my belly and I feel it.

Malchera said...

Good luck with the bike! Don't worry about other people.

Michael said...


I totally get the thing about feeling like other people are watching you. I hate it but I feel that way almost all the time now. When I'm working I hide behind the camera so much that I often don't even lift my eyes away from the monitors to give direction. When I'm at the gym or walking on the street it's the worst. About two years ago I just had to stop going to the gym and bought started working out at home and walking at dusk just to get past that imaginary mark that I had set for myself. That invisible mark that said once I've lost this much weight or look like this THEN I'll feel okay about going back to the gym. What's weird is that I only feel that way in LA. When I'm out of town I guess I don't have time to be in my head about it as much.
Something I should look at I guess. blah!

Love ya!