So with our podcast, it became a running joke that people should buy things off our Amazon wish lists. Little did we know people would actually buy things for us. It is all very sweet and flattering, I hope people know it's not mandatory and it won't make or break us. the list has been helpful to a few of my pals for my birthday that is coming up at the end of the month. My pal Keela told me to stop buying myself things. I proudly stated, I'm not, I just have some great pals :)
I need to send special thank yous out to my gay german boyfriend Michael in STGT. I received my new measuring spoons yesterday! Phreddy, I have annoyed people at work with my random Air Supply solos. And of course, my darling Holly who has been very generous with my birthday pressies. I love that girl.
So this week on some TV network, they have been playing Tom Hanks movies. I watched Cast Away on Saturday and Forest Gump on Sunday. I remembered that Fatty Daddy (big fatty to the rest of you) saying he was an extra in the movie as one of the reporters and He got his face up in that camera. I was telling the husband that and he was like no way. So when I see these big sideburns jogging behind Tom Hanks I start laughing and Derek said holy shit that is Big Fatty and starts singing the haming it up song from the LFC (which he only knows the haming it up with big fatty line) Was very amusing.
Ok, I need to go get in the shower and head to work. I just needed to remember to say thank you and giggle at my "dad" being famous. well, kinda.