Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Quick Thanks and quick catch up

As expressed on the podcast blog, I want to thank Archerr from for having me on to talk about We're Mean because you're stupid's debut. I urge you to take a listen to Archerr's shows. He is fantastic.

Tomorrow, Derek and I will be paying probably our last trip to the old place. We need to wipe out the fridge and scour the sinks and bathtub. We are also going to steam clean the carpets since Derek sucks and spills everything everywhere. :)

Then I will leave the keys and be done.

It has been so cold lately. I know...I know it is probably 12 degrees where you are, well in So Cal it is in the 70's or higher the better part of the year. Today it was in the 40's and I am freezing. So suck it!

well I am off to catch up on my programs and such.

1 comment:

Walt said...

Um, it's actually 11 degrees here right now.