Sunday, June 1, 2008

Venting about podcasting

I preface this by saying this is my personal blog and has no reflection on the opinions of others. So if you all want to talk garbage, talk it this way. Cause podcasters are good for some shit slinging. This is my venting room, if you don't like it, don't read.

After attempting to catch on podcasts, I must have heard 5 times that we (WMBYS) podcast too much. Now listen here, I have grown to love each of you for your own shows. And yes there was a point where I said I liked the group shows, but this is when you were doing your own and your own was your priority! So those of you pointing fingers at my ( I say my, because this is my opinion) show saying we podcast too frequently, yes youre not doing your own show twice a week, but if you count all the "guest spots" youre doing...

I guess what I am trying to say that yes I can appreciate the cross-overs and the group shows because everyone wants that exposure to new audience members. And yes I can admit that I have been a guest on other shows once in awhile. But there is such a thing as overkill. I would like to listen to people on their own show for awhile. Because really, do I need to listen to four group shows, from four different podcasts, with the same people? No.

I still adore all of my podcasting pals, but really...even if it's a joke, it's not so funny when it's said three or four times by the same people on different shows. That puts a negative spin on our show and the work us three put into it.

So either email your opinions to us, well me because I am asking for it, or don't say anything at all. i have learned from personal experience that even if you had the best intentions in what you say or even if it's a joke, it's not always understood in that context and if you don't have anything nice, shut your face.

And Wes, I apologize for barking at you on the Skypes...You were not the subject of my frustration that day. And youre hot.


Ryan said...

Amen sister...

Walt said...

It is frustrating, especially for me, because I tend to take things too personally. Even when I assume something is being said about me (when it turns out it isn't), I take it in and let it fester. I try to let things not bring me down, but that's easier said than done. Tomorrow is Monday and I'll try all over again.

And, yes, Wes is hot.

Anonymous said...

Nessa...I know what you mean. I podcast when I want and if people listen, fine, if not, fine too. I say keep podcasting as often as you like. I LOVE your show and will listen to every episode.

Melanie said...

You will notice that we didn't mention that at all, mainly because we're on the same damn recording schedule. I think getting WMBYS twice a week is absolutely perfect, and both Jerry and I adore y'all, so just ignore the silliness and keep 'casting!

Unknown said...

I don't have a podcast and some of the podcasts i used to listen to i have jettisoned for personal reasons but the gayness of a guys voice (i know i am gay) is a reason for me. I really prefer that a guest is once and awhile. I love that there are so many podcasts and something for everyone.

I like when you podcast. it gives me something to look forwards since PNS and Daily Purge aren't as consistent (understandably).

Podcasters keep up what your doing but the gangbang shows should be less often and WMBYS podcasts perfectly in a time frame.

erik98122 said...

Ok...I'm behind on this one but I must say I like the amount of times you podcast...and ya know if people have a problem with it showing up too many times then don't fucking listen. Whiny ass bitches! I'd be really bummed if I didn't get my couple of doses of mean each week.

Love you guys!!

erik in seattle

Sasha said...

I don't know exactly what it is you're talking about but I just wanted to say that I think it's odd that people would be petty enough to criticize the number of podcasts you do in a week. I mean, srsly...that seems petty to me. Am I taking crazy pills? Travis and I do fall behind with your podcasts but it has nothing to do with the podcasts, it's his schedule and because we insist on listening to them while we're together.