So tonight I got to see my husband Eddie Izzard. This is the tail end of his Stripped tour when he is going back to his blokey roots. He was so fantastic and so funny. And he looked amazing. Even though he wasn't in girl garb, he still wore the eyeliner and frankly makes Nessie a happy girl.
After the show we met my pals April and Doug out front and were just chatting and something told me to look in the lobby of the theater. There was Eddie doing a little impromptu Q & A! I was like 5 feet away from him. And he is striking in person. April has pictures, so once I get them, I will post.
Man oh man. I want to jump on him and wiggle!
I am glad you had fun.
Stalker :)
Uh, exCUSE me, but that's MY other husband you're ogling!
Oh, well, since it's you I'll share. :-)
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